26th June
Completed the GUI design and event handling class for controlling PRBS module on the Arty Board.
1) The code may be found here: https://github.com/harshgugale/ber_analyzer_arty. ber_gui.py is the event handling class and calls the designed GUI.
2) Requires local install of LiteX libraries and execution of litex_server.py
3) GTP2 event handlers have not been added. I will introduce more parameters in the GUI after successful testing of the high-speed serial interface.
1) Complete, real-time control of PRBS settings, 8b10b encoding, percentage error injection using GUI.
2) Dynamic updating of BER after every 1 second.
Next Steps:
1) I will now start an in-depth analysis of the GTP simulation.
1) The code may be found here: https://github.com/harshgugale/ber_analyzer_arty. ber_gui.py is the event handling class and calls the designed GUI.
2) Requires local install of LiteX libraries and execution of litex_server.py
3) GTP2 event handlers have not been added. I will introduce more parameters in the GUI after successful testing of the high-speed serial interface.
1) Complete, real-time control of PRBS settings, 8b10b encoding, percentage error injection using GUI.
2) Dynamic updating of BER after every 1 second.
Next Steps:
1) I will now start an in-depth analysis of the GTP simulation.
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